How to find a Belgian lover or Belgian friends?

How to find a Belgian lover or Belgian friends?

Dear international students, having trouble with making some Belgian friends or even getting a wonderful Belgian boyfriend or girlfriend? Don’t worry, we got you.

It’s time for some insider tips on how to make some Belgian friends and/or get yourself a Belgian lover. Since language is not really a problem (given the good English skills of Belgians), we looked a little further and listed up some tips how to get close to some Belgians. It’s actually pretty easy!

First phase: meeting

Beginnings are always scary, we know. ESN Antwerpen is there to help you a little bit with their ‘buddy-system’. They match you with a local student and then it’s to time to meet! Together you can attend the great events of ESN like an introduction weekend, weekly pubs, cultural events, citytrips, professional workshops etc.
But there are always plenty of other possibilities to meet new Belgians. Once every two weeks there are Talk Nights Antwerp where you can have a drink, meet new people and improve your language skills! Or what about the weekly sport classes with UAntwerpen Pluss Pass like basketball, yoga or zumba? Or just savagely say ‘hi’ to that nicely looking person in your class, at the library, in a bar or just at the super market. Worth the try, there are always people who are open to it 😊

Second phase: getting to know each other

So, you have met a nice person. Good for you! You may know each other’s names and some personal information, but now it’s time to get closer. But keep in mind, Belgians like to take it easy and calm. No pressure. Good Belgian friendships might start slow, but will last very long. Take your new friends or a date to a nice café for a ‘pintje’ or ‘zwaar bier’, play board games or invite them to cook a specialty from your country. They will love it! Try to be genuinely interested and open. Take your time! Belgian people like it when people are paying attention and know they can count on you. Take a little bit of initiative after a first meeting/date and tell the your special Belgian friend you appreciate them. But remember don’t hurry anything! Like we said, just take your time and enjoy the moments.

Third phase: stay in touch

Congrats! You made yourself some Belgian friends or found a lover. It was not that hard, right? Maybe it took a little longer, but trust us, from now on, it’ll only get easier. Belgians are truly good, loyal friends and they really appreciate you as a person and a friend. Sometimes you have to take a little bit more initiative in the beginning, but in the end you will be both on the same level. Even if you will move back (☹), you always will have a place to return. And they would love to visit you! Long distance relationships are not the easiest ones, but in general the Belgians are dedicated and are willing to go for it!
We hope you will found yourself great new people in Antwerp with these tips! Remember to enjoy and have a good time!